Our Hotel Policies
Check-in/Check-out Policy
The Pierre’s standard check-in time begins at 3:00pm and check-out is at 12:00pm. Early arrivals and late departures are based on availability, fees may apply.
Age Requirement Policy
Guests must be 18 years or older with valid government issued identification to reserve and to check-in to a guestroom. A person of the minimum age requirement must be present at check-in time and become a registered guest in the room. For registered guests under the age of 21, the hotel will remove all alcoholic beverages from the guestroom prior to the check-in process.
ADA Policy
ADA compliant guest rooms are available and should be reserved in advance. Certified Service Animals are always welcome and exempt of charges.
Early Departure Policy
Guests who check out of the hotel prior to their scheduled departure date are subject to an early departure fee of one-night room and tax.
Occupancy Policy
We can accommodate only 2 adults in a guest room.
Extra Bedding Policy
An extra bed is allowed in select rooms for a fee of $50 + tax per night.
Payment Policy
On arrival at the hotel, The Pierre requires a credit card pre-authorization to cover the value of your stay plus $200.00 of incidentals per day (up to a maximum of $600.00). The authorization will hold the funds until check-out, at which time the amount actually incurred during the stay will be charged. Authorized amounts may take up to 30 days after departure to be released by your bank or financial institution and the hotel will not be responsible for any resulting fees or charges. If you wish to settle your account by cash, your identification is required along with full accommodation prepayment, and an incidental deposit of $150.00 per day.
Hotel Facility Fee
Our daily Facility Fee of $30.00 ($34.43 including taxes) covers the following value-added amenities: unlimited streaming-quality, high-speed wireless internet for up to 5 devices, early morning coffee and tea service in the lobby, access to PressReader with unlimited electronic newspapers and magazines, unlimited local and domestic long-distance phone calls, and access to a monthly collection of digital books, audiobooks, and podcasts via Bedside Reading on the download.
Smoking Policy
The Pierre offers both smoking & non-smoking rooms.
Family Plan Policy
Children 17 and under stay free in the existing bedding of a room shared with a paying adult.
Pet Policy
The Pierre welcomes well-mannered, disease-free dogs weighing up to 15 pounds. No more than two dogs may occupy a guest room. Pets must be kept on a leash at all times (except inside the guest's room). Due to state and city health codes, pets are not allowed in our restaurants or inside the fitness center. A daily dog fee of $75 per dog will be applied to your account prior to your departure. Guests with dogs are required to sign a "dog waiver" upon arrival. Dogs cannot be left unattended in the guest's room. Pet sitters can be arranged through the Concierge Department. On request, we are happy to provide a pet amenity consisting of a dog bed, bowls, and homemade dog treats.
Certified Service Animals are always welcome and exempt of charges.